Coaching Application for 2025-2026 U8MD & U9MD (Haldimand Minor Hockey)

Coaching Application for 2025-2026 U8MD & U9MD
Mandatory fields are noted with asterisks. Completed form will be automatically sent to the President & Coach Administrator.
We do not have a database of your information from year to year, thus, please include all information you feel we should know.
You will be contacted regarding your interview date & time.
You will be contacted regarding the results your interview.

General Information

Team Selection

I wish to apply as the Head Coach for the following team(s):

Player Capability

National Coaching Certification

HMHA will only consider coaching qualifications, upgrades and rostered team staff experience that is on record with the OMHA. If you have experience from another Association or League, you are required to get that transferred to the OMHA so HMHA may consider it. If there is other experience that you would like us to consider, please complete the appropriate section below.

I understand that a Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC)/Police check will be required if I am selected as a Coach.  I also understand that VSC's are required for all of my bench staff.

Coaching Experience

Coaching Philosophy


How would you take action in the following scenarios?


At least 2 references should be someone within HMHA.

I understand that completing a Coaching Application does not guarantee me a coaching position and that I may be required to participate in an interview process. 
I understand that if I am selected as a coach I must abide by the Code of Conduct and Fair Play Codes as listed in the Manual of Operations, and I am required to attend all coaches meetings and any coach development sessions that the HMHA provides.
Applications will only be shared with the Haldimand Minor Hockey Coach Selection Committee.

The Coach Selection Committee reserves the right to extend the application deadline if appropriate candidates do not apply.